042224: Vanikapila 15.24

BOT (Beginning Of Transmission)

Aloha UFOhana Pilots!

Another beautiful weekend and looks like we’re headed to another great stretch of weather this week.

We had a pretty full house this past Saturday. 35 Ukulele Pilots in the house which included the Vendola Cafe Keiki Choir! Comprised of Bruce, Hannah and Zack, lead by Elana and Ms. Boosey. We aso celebrated a birthday, Hauoli la hanau Carolyn!

Check out the choir and yummy birthday cake by clicking below.

Mahalo to Lois for bringing the great Birthday Cake!

We had more excitement after returning from lunch this past Saturday . . .

And this is why . . .

Her duckling fell into the Storm Drain.

Before Nohea took this picture, I had called the Humane Society after she mentioned the Mommy duck circling the drain.

“What’s a duck doing there and why is she circling the drain,” she thought?

The Game Warden arrived shortly thereafter. We tried pulling out the grating but it seemed to be cemented in place with all the silt and weeds from the rains. Long story short . . .

. . . and after breaking the winch on the Game Warden’s truck and about 30 minutes of the two of us yanking on a wedged in 60lb storm grate with crow bars . . . it finally came loose (see photo above) and the Warden was able to rescue and return the ducklings, with Momma duck running right after him, to the marshlands.

And we’re back to our regular programming.

Click below to join us this Saturday Virtually and click here to register if you’ll be joining us IRL (In Real Life) at Vendola Café.

Remember we’ll be at 101 Sports in San Rafael this Sunday to help celebrate their Outrigger Canoe Blessing. Click here to view details of that event and to register.

I know that a lot of you have seen evidence of AI (Artificial Intelligence) Art on the blog. Here’s something that my son sent me.

It’s an AI generated song he created using the following text prompt:

A traditional hawaiian inspired song about a man named Kahua 51 who has a kanikapila every Friday night with big parties

So the back story on “Kahua 51” is before we became Vendola Cafè, we were known as Kahua 51. Kahua 51 loosely translates to Area 51. You know where all the “UFOs” are stored, as in UFOhana, wink, wink! Which is why my son refers to me a the “Kahua Man”.

Here’s the first version:

And here’s the second version:

Pretty amazing! I kind like them both. The Ai site is SUNO.COM.


a passage of time,
some we mark by years, others
by counting heart beats.

Look into my eyes . . . you must give the cat more food . . . you must give the cat more food . . .

Aloha A Hui Hou,

-=SqL+Nohea+Jedi Master Jake=-

Btw, did I mention that today was the 15th year anniversary of my heart attack?

:EOT (End Of Transmission)

6 Replies to “042224: Vanikapila 15.24”

  1. So glad you discovered and rescued those baby birds YAY!
    They slipped thru the grate tho? they looked too big to fit?
    So glad for the happy ending!
    xo kimberly call

    1. They didn’t slip through the grate, they fell through the storm drain gap just below the sidewalk.

  2. Thanks for posting the AI generated song. At first, it sounded good, but as it went on I could see that it wasn’t traditional Hawaiian music (Jawaiian isn’t that old). Then I realized that most of the lyrics already existed in other songs. Lastly, the signature of a good new song is somehow relating a story in a new way, in new thoughts. AI isn’t showing me that it’s up to the challenge yet!
    That makes me feel a bit better, yet still a bit wary of AI’s potential negative impact. Cheers, Karen

  3. I used to sing with you in Fairfax. Finally getting a ukulele and would like to purchase your Flight Manual. How might I do that?

    Thanks. Terry

    1. Terry, Feel free to come by to our Saturday Kanikapila and check with Linda for a copy of our book. Mahalo, Del

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