Aloha ahiahi a pau,
Good Evening All. Hope the rain didn’t catch you off guard this past weekend and you all stayed high, dry and safe.
Yes, it’s that time of the year once again, CAYANIGHT! For those of you needing a little inspiration or ideas for this year, click below for images of last year’s CAYAN.

Click below to view our CAYAN from 2017 . . .

Hope to you there and don’t forget to bring your kaukau for potluck and some spooky fun aloha to share with your UFOhana!
We had a good IRL turn out this past Saturday’s Vani/Kani. Below images from the event. Mahalo to Lynnette for bringing her keiki!

Don’t forget to register if you’ll be attending this Saturday Night. Click here to register and to view our upcoming events.
jaundice moon rising,
blood red dusk gives way to night,
dark shadows emerge.

Aloha a hui hou,

Jaike, such a handsome guy!