020225: No Vanikapila this Saturday! Join us at Ounces!


Aloha UFOhana,

As many of you already know we’ll be at 32 Ounces aka Ounces Outdoors this Saturday. If you have NOT Registered, please do so and let me know if you’ll need a printed Flight Manual. I’m making one more print run this Monday.

Otherwise you can download the PDF on the Ounces Event page. Which can be found on our Events page, https://UFOhana.org/events , or click the events link above on this web page.

BUT, before you join us, or if you can’t join us, at Ounces you may want to consider joining us at the Elks this Friday.

Joe will be cooking up a Ono (del)- licious Hawaiian Style dinner!

Check out the details by clicking the image below.

Click above to view the details and to RSVP a dinner.

Below, images from yesterday’s Vanikapila. Mahalo Rick for joining us, to Lynnette for bringing her Keikis and to all the others that braved the inclimate weather . . .

By the way, the second Friday in March, the 14th, will be the Silver Anniversary for the UFOhana. We’re thinking of having a 25th Year Dinner on the 14th, or maybe a Late Luncheon on the 15th after Vanikapila.

We’d like to be able to included everyone so please let me know on which day you’d rather celebrate by selecting a choice below? Majority wins. No electorals allowed.

Which would you prefer?(required)

If you’re having problems with the form above, try accessing this posting through a browser rather than in your email. Click this link to do so: https://UFOhana.org


forgotten promise,
history repeats itself,
i will always be.

Ok folks, keep warm and dry out there. I understand the weather may be clearing up by Saturday!

Aloha a hiu hou,


hmmmm, four letter word for Tuxedo Cat that likes to sit on crosswords. hmmmmm . . . .


2 Replies to “020225: No Vanikapila this Saturday! Join us at Ounces!”

  1. I had a dream that I showed up on a Saturday at your place that was scheduled for somewhere else. I did that one time early on cause I didn’t READ THE BLOG!

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