Aloha Ahi Ahi UFOhana,
We’re going to be at the Fairfax Holiday Craft Fair this Saturday so no Vanikapila. Sorry UFCOhana (Ukulele Friends Cyber Ohana), consider joining us at the Event if you can.
So last week we started with our gig at the Civic Center Employee Craft Fair, then onto our Gnoss Field Airport Holiday Party and Sunday the Elks Family Holiday Party 2023.
To add to all this Frantic Holiday gigging we have two more events this month, well three if you’re counting this Saturday. To think that 4 years ago we were all cave dwellers/giggers?
Click here to view and register for more upcoming events this month.
So in chronical order, images and videos of our last 3 events.
Civic Center Employee Craft Fair
Gnoss Airport Holiday Party
And some YouTube videos from the event as well.
Below, the Hukilau Hula Lesson, some mele, the In A Canoe Hula Lesson and our Pau Hana Set. It’s a long one but you can slide past the boring commentary by SqL.
Sunday it was onward to the Elks for their Holiday Dinner Party.
whoo weee! What a fun, crazy, Aloha filled week that was! Get some shore leave UFO Pilots, we’ll see you this Saturday.
from thin air it comes,
a warm breeze slowly embraces,
such is Aloha.
Aloha oe a pau,
-=SqL+Nohea+Jaike (& Romeo)=-