082023: Vanikaila 27.23


Aloha Ahi Ahi UFOhana,

Sorry for the late posting . . . still recovering our Saturday Kanikapila / Birthday event. What a great night it was, blessed with fabulous weather and an even more fabulous ‘Ohana.

Mahalo nui loa to Pauline, Don, Ralph, Toni, Linda A, Marty and my dear Nohea for helping make the event possible. Mahalo to all of you that attended and shared your food, your song, your Aloha and the evening with us, making it an almost enchanted night.

Not to mention all of you that helped with the cleanup, recycles, tables, chairs, dishes (Terry and Karen) leaving nothing but happy echoes in the night . . . .

. . . . such is our UFOhana.

Below are photos and videos for that event. Sorry not to have livestreamed this one. Just ran out of time and energy to setup the gear . . . but there are some pretty cool videos online.

I think we need more duct tape.

Below the link this Saturday’s Vanikapila.

Click above this Saturday to join us.

Click here to register for this Saturday’s Vanikapila.

Fyi, I’ll be posting more events shortly. We have an Elks event this September and a Fundraiser for Maui in October. More to come.

Btw, the Elks is still looking for someone . . .

“Would anyone with your group be interested in being Lodge secretary. It’s 12-15 about hours a week. It’s a paid position. It would require Two Thursday meeting nights and travel to two state conventions a year, expenses of course covered by the lodge.”

If you’re interested email Joe at j_tato@yahoo.com.

Please take time to read below, an ‘Ohana member is need of help.

Please Kokua (lend a hand) to Jiboni Gloistein’s mother, Josie.

Please all send your healing Aloha and Mana to Josie and her ‘Ohana. Click below to support and contribute.

Jiboni, if there’s anything we can do, just ask. We’re here for you.


crisis befalls us,
but ‘ohana will stand strong,
lift those who fall.

Kū ikaika pū (Stand strong together),


“Be strong everyone, we’ll get through this! Malama Pono each other,” Ikaika JAike.


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