030221: Vanikapila 10.21


Aloha Ahi Ahi UFOhana,

Can you believe it’s already March and it been a year of COVID? I know it’s a little depressing but the silver lining is that we’ve all seemed to have survived fairly well . . . so far. Also, J & J’s vaccine has been approved which should help us inch our way to stemming the infections. Let’s all continue to keep our guard up, as I know many of you have, until we receive the all clear signal.

Last week’s Saturday Vanikapila below.

Click above to view online album.

This Saturday’s Vanikapila link below.

Below a cool rendition of Hotel California by Fabio Rodrigues and friends busking in England . . .

. . . wait! He’s singing Hotel what???????? Does Don know about this????

Oh, almost forgot to mention, the other silver lining is that 3/12 marks the 21st Anniversary of the Ukulele Friends Ohana. As many of you may remember, it was around that time last year I had to travel to Hawai’i to visit my father in the hospital, who I’m sure, thanks to all your prayers recovered from his illness. It was also around that time COVID broke out and I had just made it back before the quarantine hit the airports.

Sadly we didn’t get to celebrate our 20th last year . . . but we did manage to keep the Strumming alive virtually thanks to your contributions and constant encouragement. Mahalo Mike for our second Air Purifier!

This year, along with our usual Saturday Vanikapilas, we’re holding a (socially distanced and PPE required) Kanikapila on Friday the 12th in our backyard, 6pm – 8pm. Just to honor 21 years of Friday Kanikapilas even though we’re just down to Saturday Kanikapilas. We will be live streaming the Anniversary event as well. I hope some of you will be able to join us either a Outdoor Kanikapila-ers or Virtually on the 12th.


clouds sail through the skies,
an ocean of dreams floats by,
returning to now.

Aloha A Hui Hou,


Is COVID over yet? Take care . . .


2 Replies to “030221: Vanikapila 10.21”

  1. How do I get the link to today’s vanikapila? I’m watching one that happened in August from the links on this page.

    1. Mary,

      It’s probably because you’re trying to view the video too soon after the 1pm performance, i.e. not live. It takes YouTube about 4 hours to compile the video for later viewing. I just checked and the page. It’s available now.


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