Aloha UFOhana Pilots,
We’re back at the UFOHQ this Friday. A thankful break from being a roadie all last weekend. All worth it though as we did have a fabulous, amazing, heartwarming, time talking story, and jamming with George Kahumoku, Jr. There are great photos from Craig, Donna and Linda below.
Mahalo Nui Loa to Carolyn, Lois, Susan, Joe, Glen of Manaleo Hawaiian Cultural Foundation and to George Kahumoku, Jr. for allowing the UFOhana to participate and for sharing their Aloha with us.
Saturday we’ll be at the Sharktober Festival, helping with fundraising for Brudda David McQuire’s Ocean Stewards group. We certainly can use all the help from all Ohana Pilots for this important event, so come if you can!
Details for this Friday and Saturday Events can be found here.
Click below for the Friday Kanikapila with George . . .

Then it was the UFOhana’s turn the following Saturday afternoon to Kanikapila. As if playing at the Festival wasn’t enough, we were treated to a surprise appearance from George Kahumoku, Jr. who joined us . . . somebody pinch me, Ted and Wally!

Sorry, in all the excitement I forgot to mention that there were some great workshops at the event before we went on. Liko’s Hawaiian language, George’s Slack Key Ukulele and HOTTTTT Hula!

chorus of 12 strings,
voices of harps from above,
the sound of mana.
Ok, rest up for this weekend UFO Pilots! Hope to see you this Friday and Saturday. Don’t forget to register for both events. Mahalo!