Aloha Ahi Ahi UFOPilots,
Yet another 2nd weekend on the horizon. Which means we’ll be at the Elks and UFOHQ this weekend. Check out our September Events below, click on an event for specific details. As you can see have a pretty eventful month coming up!
Vanikapila 06.25 & Lā Hoʻoipo
Aloha All, For those of you attending IRL, the flora is still down so the VCO (aka South 40) so it should be ok for those of you wishing an outdoor experience. …
San Rafael, California 94903
We’re celebrating two birthdays this Saturday. Madison’s 17th and Mike’s Big 8-0h-Oh! So if you’re so inclined please join us for some Ukulele B-Day Cake, a little Kanikapila, and wish our young and old Virgos a Hauoli La Hanau!
Photos from last week’s Kanikapilas in ascending order, Friday and Saturday follow.

Last Saturday we met Faun and Jacob, two new UFOhana Pilots joining the squadron.

And then Sunday we visited with the Haole Boyz and Gyrl at the Waystation in Fairfax.

Finally, some images I want to share some images from our August on O’ahu.

Then there was this really cool wall full of Healing Messages at the Don Quijote Shopping center in Pearl City (near my folk’s home). What a fabulous idea!

night grabs hold of day,
pulling last light into dark,
a chilling breeze comes.
Aloha A Hui Hou,