082624: Vanikapila 27.24


Aloha ahiahi a pau,

Good evening all. Another action packed Saturday come and gone.

First I want to extend Mahalo Nui Loa to all those attending the Susea Grant’s Kula ‘Anela Race this past weekend.

Mahalo Sandy, Ted, Susan, Ralph, Melann, Jolyn, Joel, Ethan, Barbara, Tuck, Linda, Flo, Pam and Cindy. For strumming through Wind, Rain, Sleet, and Snow, well ok, maybe no sleet or snow. But it was definitely cold and foggy. You folks were like the Uke Marines, first to strum! Oooo-Rah!

Tucker, Mahalo Nui Loa, for conducting your fabulous Ukulele Class. I understand that members of your TOCC alumni may be attending our Saturday Vanikapilas in the near future.

And, of course, Mahalo to our “UFOhana Scribes” Linda and Barbara for the great photos.

Finally, a big Mahalo to Tamalpias Outrigger Canoe Club for inviting us.

Dinna sent us a big thank you as well and says that we were well received by those in attendance.

Click above to view the online photo album.

I’ve been receiving updates from our UFOhana Away Team (Marty, Linda, Don & Marty). Check it out below.

Linda (and Marty) on their layover in Amsterdam, on their to way to rendevouz with Don & Marty in Tanzania.

Hmmm, that sticker looks strangley familiar . . .

Below, from the assembled Away Team in Tanzania . . . mahalo Don for the great Tricorder Recordings! Hmmm, what’s that strange mark on the cheeta?

So this Saturday we’re back to our regular programming, it’s not Tanzania, but we’ll just have to make do . . . click here to register if you’ll be attending (IRL).

Click above this Saturday to join us virtually. Let’s hope the YouTube Gods are on our side this week!


through the rain and fog,
UFO Pilots gather,
sharing aloha.

Aloha a hui hou,


Wind, rain or cold . . . we are UFOhana, together we strum.


081924: We’re Off to the Canoe Races and Hauoli La Hanau Ukulele!

Yes, today is the Birthday of our favorite instrument the Ukulele.

Check out the video from James Hill regarding it’s birth:

Click above to view a quick history on this mighty little instrument.

So hug your Ukulele today, wish it a Happy Birthday, maybe sing it a song and then bring it to the Canoe Races this Saturday!


Aloha UFOhana,

As many of you may already know, we will be at the Tamalpais Outrigger Canoe Club’s Susea Grant’s Kula ‘Anela Race this Saturday. So no Kanikapila.

Click here for details on the event and register. If you’ve already registered you may want to check out the Event for updated scheduling info.

It starts a little earlier than we’re use to, but it should be an exciting event. Be sure to bring outerwear for any kind of weather and maybe some coffee. Remember, it’s on the bay so you never know. Remember Murphy’s 13th law, “Bring it so you won’t need it.”

I have about two dozen flight manuls (song books) for the event, for those in need. But do bring a music stand, wind clips, water, Ukulele and lots of Aloha to share with the TOCC ‘Ohana. As for food, the TOCC has a potluck, so do bring something to add to Da Pot!

Hope to see you there!

Speaking of Events. I just learned that the FlashBacks will be playing at the Elks Burger Night, this Wednesday @ 6pm. So do drop in for some tasty tunes and burgers!

Click here for details.

062523 Performance at the Clarion in San Francisco.

Below images from this past Saturday. Though we did have some issues with the YouTube live stream. I did record the event and will be uploading a good copy to replace the current one.

Click above to view the online album.


island in the bay,
canoes of ancient design,
braving the currents.

Aloha a hui hou!


Who are these guys? Ho’o mau kau kau! IMUA!