091814: No Kanikapila this Friday . . .


Taking a break and saving up for Sleeping Lady in Fairfax, 2-4PM. Have a great time off all and don’t forget about our Hele On Ukulele Competition:



Hope to see you folks Saturday and on the 28th!

A Shining moment,
A Mele floats through the trees,
Journey for a cause.

Aloha A Hui Hou,


091114: Kanikapila at the elks this friday . . .


So here I am again, late Thursday night . . . am I the only one up?

Aloha everyone. We’ll be in the Elks Bar this time around. Run time 7p – 10p, BYOGear (lights, music stands, maybe a fan to keep cool in case it gets hot again). Here’s the dinner menu for that night from Brudda Joe Tato:

Join us this Friday for Island Style menu. $10pp. No RSVP required, however we serve til we run out. Dinner served at 6:30p
Pork Adobo
Grilled Chicken
Garden Salad
Stir Fry Veggies

Mahalo Nui to Brudda Joe, Tad, Sarah and the Elks for hosting us this week and for their hospitality.

Last week Saturday we were invited to a Kanikapila at Betty Ann and Craig’s house in Sonoma. Click Betty Ann below for a photo album of that fun event:


Mahalo to Betty Ann and Craig for hosting the event on their beautiful new deck surrounded by Oak trees. The weather was perfect, the food was Ono-licious, the music was just right and the Hula just flowed. It just felt so right uke-ing and hula-ing out doors. All we needed was a beach . . . if squint your eyes you could almost hear the ocean . . . almost.

The Friday night before we were in Sausalito, Campbell Hall, strumming with Rev. Chip, Linda Lee and the UFOhana (click the photo below for an album of that night):


Above: Elaine and Mike’s Family, Matt, Sarah and peeking out behind Sarah Skylar,  Sarah’s boyfriend who survived a near fatal knife attack a few months back in Hilo.  Mahalo Nui Loa Elaine and Mike for sharing you Ohana with us and to Sarah Skylar for the Maile Leis, Kalua Pork and Haupia. What great family!

Don’t forget about our 4th Annual Fundraiser for PIKO, The Hele On Ukulele Competition! Isn’t it about time for you to “Strum Your Stuff” and show the world what you and your Uke can do? Click the entry from below image below to download a form and don’t forget to tell you friends! We will be raffling off a Guitar, Bass/Ukulele Lessons, and a Brand New Ukulele . . .


Click the image below to download / print an entry form . . .


Btw, we can certainly use volunteers for setup and break down, please email Kaleikoa@piko.ws if you’d like to help us out.

Dew glistens on grass,
Jewels of the passing night,
Welcome a new day.

Aloha A Hui Hou,