I am just getting up-to-speed on this new Blog page…so bear with me. I want to fill it with all kinds of Ukulele related info, tid-bits, videos, etc…. But i will need to become proficient with the blog tools! Thank You!
01.28.15: Kanikapila at UFO HQ this friday . . .
Aloha All,
It’s the 5th Friday of the month, which means we’ll be at UFOhana HQ this Friday. Run time is 7:00pm till whenever . . . BYKaukau (Bring something for Pot luck – like a main dish or healthy Salad), BYGear (We’re probably good for chairs and music stands but remember Murphy’s 5th law – bring it so you won’t need it), BYOBeverage and always BYAloha to share with your ‘Ohana. Email me at Kaleikoa@piko.ws if you need an address / directions to UFOHQ.
Here are the collage links to photos of last week’s Kanikapila at the Elks . . .
Click the collage below for the Sleeping Lady Album for last Saturday . . .
Btw, on February 28, we’ll be holding the first (hopefully to become a monthly) UFOhana Kanikapila at the Plaza Bistro in Sonoma. Here’s a link to their website: http://theplazabistro.com/ . Run time will be same as Sleeping Lady, 2pm – 4pm. Please do pass this onto your friends / Ohana up North and encourage them to come join us. For those of you who can make it that far up North, there should be someone at the Sleeping Lady running the Kani in my absence. Below is a panoramic of the room we’ll be holding the event in. Btw, did I mention they have great food there too?
Once again, mahalo nui loa to all the well wishes and get well soons you folks have been passing onto Nohea and myself. This cold / flu is a stickler but nothing a exercising the lungs by attending a good Kanikapila!
Blended harmonies,
Synchronicity of dance,
Aloha A Hui Hou ka kou!