112416: Hau‘oli Lā Ho‘omaika‘i!


Happy Thanksgiving UFOhana!

Hope you’re all having a relaxing and joyful day. We’ll be gathering this Friday, aka Hana Hou Hau’oli La Ho’omaika’i Day, at the UFOHQ the usual time of 7p – 10p. BYThanksgiving Leftovers (the Hana hou part), BYOGear and BYAloha.

On behalf of Nohea and myself, we’d like to give thanks this day to our UFOhana for being the most supportive and giving group of people we’ve ever had the honor of being a part of. Forever in our hearts . . .

I’d also like to remember Ohana that have left us this past year, Dick Daunt, and very recently Uncle Ken Camacho. Please send your Aloha and good mana out to the Camacho family. Me Ke Aloha Pumehana Uncle Ken . . .

Uncle Ken Mowing his lawn
Del ‘helping’ Uncle trim his Coconut Tree(s), “Uh Del, I think this was a good one . . . .”
Dick Daunt

Saturday Kanikapila will be held at the UFOHQ also, 2p-4p run time. BYOSnax and Bevs.

Btw, the Hana Hou Hawaiian Wear Store will be open an hour early each day for those of you interested in doing some early shopping.

In just a moment,
We become a memory,
Live to bring all joy.

Have a great Thanksgiving everyone . . . see you soon!

Click below for our travel album to O’ahu….

On of Del’s Favorite Surf Spots – Makapu’u

Malama Pono,

Uuuuuhhhh . . . too much turkey . . .


111716: We’re B-a-a-ack @ UFOHQ This Friday


Aloha Kakou,

Sorry for the late post all. I’ve been fighting a cold I caught on the plane. Sadly and happily, we are back from Sunny O’ahu, a little tanned, a little tired and about 150 pounds heavier . . . . with Hula and other Hawaiian attire that is (note the 3 large black cargo bags below) . . . click the image below for the final update to our Away Mission Album (Hula Videos forthcoming) . . .

Linda guarding the precision cargo from Hawaii Expedition

We’ll be gathering at the UFOHQ this Friday at our usual time of 7p-10p, BYPotLuck, BYOGear, BYOBeverage(s) and lots of Aloha too! For those of you interested, Linda will be opening the doors a little early this Friday at 6:30pm, for early sales of her Hana Hou Clothing Winter Line. So come by and be the first to claim one of the treasures.

Mahalo Nui Loa to Will for keeping watch on the HQ and Jake Da’ Kat and to Rick, Kimo, Sandy, Charlotte, Will and I’m sure, many others, for keeping the strum going at the HQ and the Elks BBQ and Bar. We certainly did feel a little aimless on Friday and Saturday back in Hawaii, but it was nice to know that somewhere out there, there was a Kanikapila going on.

Saturday Kanikapila will be held at UFOHQ as well. 2p-4p runtime BYOB & S (Bevs and Snacks) and BYOGear. Again, please feel free to drop by at 1:30p if you’d like to do some early shopping at Linda’s Hana Hou Hale.

Calligraphic Clouds,
Messages from Akua,
Winter is coming.

Aloha A Hui Hou!


Pffft, whateva!