050416: We’re At the Campbell Hall this Friday


Aloha all,

We’re at the Campbell Hall this Friday, Mahalo Nui Loa to Rev. Chip for hosting us this Friday. We’ll be there 6:30p to 9:30p. BYOKaukau (Potluck), BYOGear (music stands and book lights) and BYAloha to share with Chip and ‘Ohana.

This Saturday we’ll be hosted by the Elks of San Rafael. Runtime 2p-4-p.

Btw. please take note of the following from Joe Tato, who has opened it up to our UFOhana Members and Mothers interested in attending the Elks MD Brunch:

SATURDAY MAY 7th, 12p on . . . 

Come and enjoy family, friends and make new acquaintances !
Mother’s Day Kick-off weekend luncheon

RSVP Required: Thursday, May 5th

Mother’s will enjoy a complimentary lunch
children 10 and under $5
children 11 and over & adults $15.

TIME: noon – 4 pm
Location: Magnolia Terrace, weather permitting; otherwise, lunch will be served in the Grand Ballroom
Live Hawaiian Entertainment will be provided
GAMES & PRIZES for all Mother’s

* There will be a special Trunk Show of Wedding dresses, formal wear and jewelry from 2:00- 6:00 PM at the lodge. Sounds like fun!


Click below for this past Friday’s Kanikapila at the Elks Lodge:

2-042916 Elks Kanikapila

Click below for images of the the Amazing May Pole/Hoop Kanikapila at the Sonoma Valley Woman’s Club this past Saturday:

1-043016 SVWC Kanikapila

Blue sky etched by winds,
A new Sun paints the gray earth,
Life faces the day.

Aloha A Hui Hou!





“Wake Up Sleepy Heads!”


042816: Elks this Friday and Sonoma on Saturday!


Aloha All,

It’s been a busy week. Sorry for the late posting.

The San Rafael Elks will be hosting us at their lodge this Friday, 7p-10p, a Local Hawaiian Style Dinner will be provided for a nominal fee (Joe’s shooting for 6:30 Dinner Bell). Mahalo Nui to the Elk-ders for hosting the UFOhana once again.

Saturday Kanikapila will be held at the Sonoma Valley Woman’s Club, 2p – 4p, they’re asking for $5 donation at the door to help keep the Club open. I understand that there may be a May Pole to commemorate May Day Is Lei Day in Hawai’i.  BYOGear, chairs will be provided.

Below images from Last Friday . . . click to access the on line album . . . that’s Nohea below out on ML for the night . . . mahalo Pauline and the UFO Wahine Pilots for helping out in her absence.1-042216-Friday-Kanikapila.jpg

Below Saturday Images . . .


Below, images from the Contra Costa Culinary Festival


SqL, (Ro)Berta and Mary


The Cyr Family in a Line Dance


The Contra Costa Dance Class waltz the Morning Away

IMG_6505 Pickles Cartoon

A Uke Sighting from Linda Albion . . . Mahalo!


“Baritone Uke for sale. Like new. “Coast” brand from the 60’s. Gibson hard case included. Newly restrung. Make offer.”
Contact Susan Scott at 415-924-0852. or email sscott2@hotmail.com.

. . . and finally from Claudia Vasquez . . .

Hi Del,

This is well worth attending! It is a fun group activity to hang out at Fishermans wharf for chowder and then sing about the sailing. There is a whaling chants about Maui and Hawaii too .

Begin forwarded message:
On Tuesday, April 26, 2016, 11:35 AM, Kasin, Peter <peter_kasin@nps.gov> wrote:

Greetings from Hyde Street Pier –
The next chantey sing aboard the ferryboat EUREKA will be on Saturday, May 7, 8pm to midnight. Enter any time after 7:30pm. Free admission, reservations required. To reserve, please either reply by email, or call 415-561-7171, leaving your name and the total number of people in your party. Your last name will go on the reservation list, which will be held at the Hyde Street Pier front gate.

Fair winds,

Peter Kasin
Park Ranger, Interpretation Division
San Francisco Maritime NHP
2 Marina Blvd.
Fort Mason Center, Bldg. E, 3rd Floor
San Francisco, CA 94123

The National Park Service cares for special places saved by the American people so that all may experience our heritage.

Ok, that’s it for now, see you folks tomorrow!

Endless beating hearts,
Circles of infinite joy,
The Music of Life.



“Wait for it . . . wait for it . . . you have to act like you don’t care”